Wednesday, January 18, 2006


3:45pm-12:15am yesterday was spent sleeping on the couch.
12:15am-3:00am I spent learning that Sarah Kachan is engaged.
3:00am-7:30am was also spent sleeping on the couch.

I don't plan on taking any naps today, so let's see how productive I am. The original plan of going to the NYPL fell through because I'm too cheap to spend more than a ride to get there and back, I don't want to walk there, my neck is too sore to carry my laptop, and it's super windy and rainy.

Ideally, I'll be reading the entire day, hopefully not getting tired since I slept for 13 hours. I was looking through the paper this morning and noticed Google is buying a radio ad company. It looks like there's no stopping them despite my best efforts to sabotage them, which consisted wholly of assuming they would hit a wall -- any wall. This, as we know, has not happened. Today, a share of Google is still almost at $500. Instead of selling short or just waiting for a crash, I feel like the best strategy now would be to buy a lot of shares at full price if we find out that the stock is going to split. Our number of shares would double and we'd catch all the gains from people buying the cheaper shares.

I check craigslist everyday...many see what kind of things are out there for me to possibly be doing. I'm partial to receptionist jobs at gyms because I like gyms and it's something that gets my foot in the door without having to have to be too qualified. I asked Laura if she'd hire me as her front desk associate if she had a gym. She said told me yes, but that I'm overqualified. I hadn't considered being overqualified for anything considering my lack of work experience. I am definitely capable of mostly any position though. I've done it all, I just convince myself that I would be uncomfortable doing such things.

Three things I saw today were: 1)part-time tour guide at MSG, 2)front desk/floor/sales/potential class instructor positions at a small gym, and 3)work at a real estate firm. I think Roger would be good as a tour guide at MSG. He remembers tons of sports info and is able to project his voice well, as we all know. Plus he likes the Knicks and Rangers. 5 hour shifts at $13 per isn't bad for part-time stuff.

Time to go have me some soup and kill time 'til open bar tonight. Derek is actually coming out again tonight, and Jill is bringing two of her high school friends. This group is getting out of control.


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