Saturday, January 28, 2006

My arm smells like beer...

Got home from the bar about 20 minutes ago. Met up with Jose, Wilson, and Al -- and others -- at Down the Hatch after hanging out with the normal Friday Asian crew at Yello Bar and then this place at St. Marks called San Marcos. I would really hate to recap events out of order, especially since I still haven't posted crap about last Saturday or this past Wednesday. I'll just say that a fight broke out behind me while I was playing foosball, and this dude Rick who was uninvolved got half his pitcher of beer spilled...on me. It was a good time though. I will do my best to post about all of these things sometime between whenever I wake up and whenever I go out to either buy stuff for the Chinese New Year dinner party or to pick up my sister, whichever comes first.

And I just remembered what I dreamt about last night. I had accidentally dropped my retainers down my mom's office sink. I got them back out somehow, but they were all gross from all the stuff that had been washed down the sink. There was all kinds of grossness in all the little crevices and the nooks and cranies of the retainers that you couldn't see but you knew were there. Ironically, in reality I had fallen asleep without my retainers on.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Those Silly Underpants Gnomes

Step 1: Steal underpants
Step 2:
Step 3: Profit $$$

I found a long lost sock today while I was cleaning out my closet. It was in my hockey bag mixed in with my hockey equipment. The pair is now whole once again!

Kevin: The Last Action Hero

I dreamt last night that my family (or some other group of people I cared to save) and I were being taken by some terrorist-type group. One of the members of this terrorist group was Brian's dad. While we were being herded past the terrorists, I picked the most opportune moment to hit one of the guys holding a chain gun with a jumping wheel kick. He tossed the chain gun in the air. As I landed, I caught the weapon with my hands on the trigger and started firing away at the terrorists. I first shot up the guy who I kicked and got the gun from. Then I started shooting all the other terrorists. I didn't want to kill them so I would aim for the sides of their bodies rather than at their heads or right down the middle. After they kept struggling to get back up to try to kill us I had to finish them off. All the terrorists were killed and everyone with me escaped unscathed. And so...the day was saved, and all was right in the world once again -- at least for now.

Official Tally:
Kevin 1
Bad Guys 0

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

From my daily perusings of craigslist...

*UPDATE* Rescued a cat, mocks my existence, please take her...

Reply to:
Date: 2006-01-25, 1:25AM EST

I moved into an apartment in May, the previous tenant abandoned their cat here. The owner of the house the apartment is in was taking care of the cat as an outdoor cat. This winter I took her in because I didn't expect her to survive. Had her checked out and cleaned up. Cost me nearly $400!!!

Anyway, I have been taking good care of her since early December. The problem is that she mocks my existence. She doesn't care one way or the other about me, just so long as she has food, water, and a clean litter box. She's not a bad cat, just indifferent to people. Additionally, it turns out my girlfriend is highly allergic. So, not only do I have a houseguest that tolerates ME, but now my girlfriend can't even come over. While sometimes that's a good thing, most times, it's inconvenient.

I will give you all her paperwork that I have, 3 monthly doses of FrontLine, all the food that I bought her, the litter box, her brush, and all her toys. I just want my life back, and this cat needs a good home that she can mock you in. The vet that checked her out said she's in perfect shape for an older cat.

ALL offers welcome, I might even pay you to take her at this point. I can even drop her off as long as it's not too far. Please please please take this cat before I have to drop her off at a shelter.

Oh yeah, her name used to be Muffin, I renamed her Stoner... see pics.


Bought her a catnip toy, she's more... hrm, "cat-like". Also switched from 9-lives to Friskies, and she's happier now it seems, so... that's RIGHT, more toys and more FREE food. I also added a picture of her sleeping with the new toy. Don't you want her, don't you want to take her and let her ignore you too? You know you do.

I received many emails, that's great! None of them went anywhere though. If you want her, please email me with what kind of home you're going to provide for her. A few people wanted her for pest problems. That's not going to happen. Several people refused to tell me what sort of home they would provide for her, no problem as long as you realize you're not getting her. I'm not going to give her to someone that will abuse her, or treat her like a tool, rather then a pet.

this is in or around Farmingdale
no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Original URL:

This is the funniest craigslist posting I've ever seen. It rivals Brian's posting of the cat formerly known as Wendy (now Senator Wendy Whiskers) and the guy making a superhero gang called the Heroic Destiny Squad ( who was looking for a sidekick, which were also noteworthy.

Monday, January 23, 2006

April...the busiest month of the year

Apparently, April showers not only bring May flowers...they also bring children. Take that magical stork. It seems like every day has been someone's birthday this month. I feel compelled to take a moment to make some birthday shoutouts.
Birthday shoutouts (in no particular order) to: Krishanna, Dave, Jun, Kate, Giovanna, Namalie, Jose, Su, Stephan, my mom, my grandfather, Henry, Darlene, Aunt Chueh, Aunt Cecilia, and my grandmother (I think). Apologies to anyone I missed.


Friday night consisted of Dave's birthday festivites. In the morning I had gone to get treatment on my foot and neck. No acupuncture on the neck this day, but I did get the most painful back rub in the history of backrubs performed on Kevin. My doctor told me that my neck problems were old problems that had developed over time. Looks like I had a neck problem before I even went snowboarding last weekend. I believe it because I used to have to crack my neck numerous times every day, and the fall I took snowboarding either exacerbated the problem or gave me other problems on top of the ones I already had.

The back rub was insane. I don't really want to get into the specifics, but if you've ever had something hurt so much that it brought you to the point of laughing because you didn't know how to cope with it, that's basically where I was at the whole time. There were also times when the sides of my neck would get massaged, because they were still really swollen from the fall, causing pain and suffocation. My neck and back were sore the entire afternoon and night while I was out.

Anyway, back to Dave's birthday. We met up at Yello Bar at 6:30(my first time there). It was as ghetto as Ting made it out to be, but it was still fun. Nancy brought Dave a cake that had a picture of the Blue Power Ranger on it. The writing on the cake said "Happy Birthday Brithdave." Don't ask. After Yello Bar we headed over to Penang for some Malaysian cuisine. When dinner was over, the lights were dimmed and then the Birthday Song started to play. Then it played again in Chinese...then again in English but faster...then again in Chinese at the faster speed. While the music was playing the waitress brought out the Power Ranger cake. Dave looked thoroughly embarrassed.

Next on the agenda was Odea. It was a pretty small lounge with three booth-like rooms. When we first got there Ting and Lenny were checking out the DJ until she saw them and then they immediately turned their heads. Then I looked to see what they were looking at and finally saw her. She caught me looking at her so I waved to her, and she waved back. I caught her looking down at me every once in a while the rest of the time there. Dave's cousin, Connie, was actually in the next booth/room with a few of her friends. She was pretty cute -- and she complimented my hair which is always a plus in my book. There was this dude Brian who she was with who also complimented my hair. He had a very firm handshake. Dave is convinced he is gay.

After we left Odea because we lost our booth to some white people who bought a bottle, we ended up wandering for a while and ended up down around MacDougal Street. Last time I was there I had randomly run into my friend from summer classes Eklavya. I also met up with Wilson and Al semi-randomly while I was there last time...and Brian and Laura but that chance encounter was neither random nor semi-random nor by chance. We went the whole way without my seeing anyone I know from BU. We were just outside Down the Hatch when I said, "I'm surprised I haven't see anyone I know," which is when I saw Eklavya. Moments later I saw Jen (also from BU). I spent a decent amount of time talking to them and catching up with Jen. It was nice. She had had a lot of wine though. I don't know if she'll remember seeing me.

Down the Hatch was super packed as was everywhere else. We wandered down to the McDonald's at West 4th where I got an ice cream cone. Jen Tan got a Happy Meal that came with a My Little Pony toy. Ting and I were talking with this black guy eating cheesecake in McDonald's. He was a photographer and had a big piece of cardboard with pictures he had taken posted on it -- interesting character. He gave Ting his card. The next day I found out Ting had thrown it out. No more cards for Ting. After we finished eating everyone tried figuring out what to do. Half of us were falling asleep and others were up for doing stuff. Eventually, we went next door to the Fat Black Pussy Cat because it was so close.

Two rounds of Buttery Nipple shots. Everyone was now more awake. Ting was very intrigued by the idea of checking out the club downstairs. The waitress told us that they would waive the cover charge for us to go down because it was dying down a little bit. She was Asian with lots of make-up and her hair up...until she had to take her pen out of her hair; then it was down. I'm not gonna lie; she looked pretty good while she was letting her hair down.

Downstairs was fun. Everyone was a little timid to get down with their bad selves, but I think everyone had fun anyway. Carolyn danced with some black dude. Later, we all left. People going to Queens split a minivan cab, except for Ting and Gordon who took the train. Dave and Lenny headed for the train to go to Brooklyn, and I walked with Jen towards alphabet city where she stays and where I caught a bus uptown. Home at 4am.


Jun's birthday celebration was the next day. It ended up being a 12 hour marathon for me deserving of it's own post.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Treatment Follow-up

My neck felt a little bit better today but still not well enough to really do anything substantial. Let's just assume it was the rest and treatment that I got that's making my neck feel a little better as opposed to the alcohol I had last night. Below is a picture that my mom took of me on Tuesday during treatment. I have another appointment for tomorrow morning at 10:30.

Acupuncture on my neck -- supposedly 22 needles were used. Posted by Picasa

Quick recap of last night:

  • Roger and Derek bailed. Cleo didn't come. Only one of Jill's friends showed up. Yet the intergrity of the group was maintained as Laura surprised us all with her appearance and brought her roommate, Su, along. Looks like the Red Foxes are once again trying to steal the show.
  • Karaoke Linda is still MIA, but Karaoke Kate filled in for her quite competently.
  • I sang "Because of You" by 98 Degrees as a tribute to the time we sang it for karaoke at Seto's house. Brian sang backup. My voice was shot after whatever the heck I had to drink (a gin and tonic and two rum and cokes). I dedicated the song to Tim because Jill had dedicated her last song to me.
  • The bathroom smelled like PEZ. Yummy.
  • I dropped a pencil in the bathroom that I had over my ear and didn't bother picking it up.
  • Becca gave us her "card" (an index card on which she wrote her name and the other locations and hours where she worked) on our way out.
  • We headed across the street to Turtle Bay where the Bud Drafts were a dollar.
  • Laura and I decided that Su and Laura is the female version of me and Will.
  • Wilson rose from the dead and made an appearance.
  • Dancing and hilarity (picture-taking) ensued.
  • I found a dollar at the foot of one of the tables we were sitting at. Jill and I then proceeded to trade lap dances and pass the dollar back and forth between us. I ended up with the dollar.
  • Brian, Laura, and Su crossed 2nd Ave. and headed East minutes before the stroke of midnight when Su turned 22. Happy Birthday Su.
  • Jose and I headed back to my place to use the bathroom. Jose then left for the train station.
  • I ate some Entenmann's All Butter Pound Loaf. I had more trouble cutting it than I should have.
  • I was on my laptop when Jose called telling me he forgot his backpack in my apartment. He would be downstairs in 7 minutes where I was supposed to meet him to return his bag to him.
  • 1 minute later: I fall asleep.
  • 6 minutes later: Jose calls me. He is in the lobby. I return his bag to him and come back upstairs where I chat until I fall asleep with my laptop on top of me.

And so ended a memorable evening. My thanks to all those who made it possible: the academy, my family, all the little people, and of course God...and I guess Satan too for letting Wilson come back to us.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


3:45pm-12:15am yesterday was spent sleeping on the couch.
12:15am-3:00am I spent learning that Sarah Kachan is engaged.
3:00am-7:30am was also spent sleeping on the couch.

I don't plan on taking any naps today, so let's see how productive I am. The original plan of going to the NYPL fell through because I'm too cheap to spend more than a ride to get there and back, I don't want to walk there, my neck is too sore to carry my laptop, and it's super windy and rainy.

Ideally, I'll be reading the entire day, hopefully not getting tired since I slept for 13 hours. I was looking through the paper this morning and noticed Google is buying a radio ad company. It looks like there's no stopping them despite my best efforts to sabotage them, which consisted wholly of assuming they would hit a wall -- any wall. This, as we know, has not happened. Today, a share of Google is still almost at $500. Instead of selling short or just waiting for a crash, I feel like the best strategy now would be to buy a lot of shares at full price if we find out that the stock is going to split. Our number of shares would double and we'd catch all the gains from people buying the cheaper shares.

I check craigslist everyday...many see what kind of things are out there for me to possibly be doing. I'm partial to receptionist jobs at gyms because I like gyms and it's something that gets my foot in the door without having to have to be too qualified. I asked Laura if she'd hire me as her front desk associate if she had a gym. She said told me yes, but that I'm overqualified. I hadn't considered being overqualified for anything considering my lack of work experience. I am definitely capable of mostly any position though. I've done it all, I just convince myself that I would be uncomfortable doing such things.

Three things I saw today were: 1)part-time tour guide at MSG, 2)front desk/floor/sales/potential class instructor positions at a small gym, and 3)work at a real estate firm. I think Roger would be good as a tour guide at MSG. He remembers tons of sports info and is able to project his voice well, as we all know. Plus he likes the Knicks and Rangers. 5 hour shifts at $13 per isn't bad for part-time stuff.

Time to go have me some soup and kill time 'til open bar tonight. Derek is actually coming out again tonight, and Jill is bringing two of her high school friends. This group is getting out of control.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


On the final snowboarding run I went on this past Saturday, the weather was foggy and raining heavily. Visibility while boarding was close to zero. After a day of snowboarding/skiing, Eric, Larry, Qian, Ting, Dave, and I decided to brave the conditions for our final run. On the way down the mountain I wasn't leaning enough on my toe edge and my board caught the snow/ice sending me falling backwards down the mountain. I slam my head on the trail -- my hat goes flying -- my bandana comes halfway off my head. My initial thought: "Did I lose consciousness at any point?" Nope. Second thought: "I'm going to have some terrible whiplash tomorrow." A few hours later I couldn't lean my head in any direction without immense pain in my neck.

I went to the doctor/acupuncturist/chiropractor today to get therapy on my foot. 12 needles and a painful foot rub -- a typical day, but I didn't get the electrodes hooked up to the needles today. As far as I know, I can use my foot again with no limitations. It'll just hurt some for now. I then had my neck checked out. Treatment for my neck today consisted of 22 needles in the back of my neck, shoulders, triceps, and upper back followed by a ridiculously painful rubdown of my neck and shoulders. Diagnosis: extremely severe neck spasms. There is also a big bump on the back of my head that I'm getting checked out because my doctor was worried it could be something serious. Looks like I'll be heading back to the doctor again tonight.

On the way home I picked up some spicy tuna riceballs, which I used to get from this Japanese/French bakery when I lived in Boston, from the new riceball store on 45th Street. All the workers speak English and Japanese to you. I will start getting food from there more frequently. The riceballs were freshly made and still warm when I got home.

While I was walking down 46th Street I saw two guys sitting on the rotating circular platform eating lunch. I had the urge to go up to them and start spinning the platform as fast as I could.

This latest injury is very disheartening because I was finally getting better from my latest stupid injury before that, and now I'm hurt again. I feel like something is always wrong and it prevents me from progressing to where I want to be. I can't even lift my head up when I'm lying on my back without using my hands to pull it up. I should probably lie down and not move for the next few days. Ugh.

Fountain of Youth

I was looking in the mirror this morning, and I noticed a gray hair. When I went to pull it out I noticed that it got darker towards the root and was growing out black. Apparently, I've figured out how to reverse the aging process.